My windows update just notified me that it’s ready to install Service Pack 2… I should be afraid! VERY afraid!
WTF! I’m going for it 🙂
My windows update just notified me that it’s ready to install Service Pack 2… I should be afraid! VERY afraid!
WTF! I’m going for it 🙂
It’s here. I installed it in my car and it works great… The built in FM modulator made it simple!
I now have oodles of new channels to listen to and starting October 4th, Those wacky shock-jocks, O & A are back on the air. Already pre-ordered! woohoo!
I checked the UPS website and my Roady2 XM Satellite Radio Reciever is on it’s way! I should have it Thursday (if not sooner!). That means I’ll have XM for the weekend! w00t!
1 1/2 months to Opie and Anthony!
It’s bee 3 months at my new job. I have been working for a temp agency and it has finally paid off. The job has offered me a permanent position with in the company and I will be continuing in my current position for better benefits and pay. It’s a great step for me, as I have had to take major pay cuts since I left the Internet Service Provider back at the end of 2001.
I feel like such a fool right now. I just got back in from my friend’s party…Only, I was at the wrong place, so I never actually made it to the party. She won a party at Jillians, now, for those of you who live in the area, Farmingdale is closer to me, and in my opinion, a better Jillians (It has Dance Dance Revolution while the Westbury Jillians has only Pump it Up!)
I tried to call my friend when I got there but she didn’t answer, so I decided to play some DDR… As I stepped off the machine, my phone rang, now note that I waited for the game and played 4 rounds, so about a half hour had gone by. I had only planned on staying an hour or so because I have work early and still have a pile of crap on my bed (I’ve been cleaning. woohoo)
So anyways, Jen, I’m terribly sorry and I will make it up to you! 😉