When I got home the other night, I found a bag left on my bed. It contained a battery operated electric screwdriver. “Cool” I thought as I ripped it open and started to put it together… Curious what the metal clip at the top held in, I pulled it out and popped off the top, only to have the gears and grease-covered innard fall out onto my bed! ACK!
After putting it all down and thinking it through, I picked the driver back up and proceeded to reassemble it one piece at a time.. Successfully thank god..
Now, why would Black & Decker make something with a metal clasp out in the open that,as I later realized, was intended for authorized techicians only. and imagine if I wasn’t mechanically inclined, or couldn’t figure out how to replace the parts.
I still don’t know how I got it either 😉 Nobody’s mentioned that they got it for me, or that they left it on my bed.