In lieu of some recent saddening events, I had to take some time to celebrate my favorite holiday, April Fools day. Up early, I scoured the web for this year’s April Fools pranks,and I can’t say that I was disappointed.
I should begin by letting everyone know that all pranks must be approved by Groupon who now owns the rights to the holiday.
Hulu has taken it upon themselves to redesign the site using new technologies (back in 1999)!
Speaking of traveling back in time, Check out all the new silent films on YouTube. The new 1911 filter can be applied to any of their advertising-lacking videos.
RIM has announced their latest Backberry featuring a screenless design.
ThinkGeek has been busy coming up with new products. Check out the delicious Angry Bird Pork Rinds. Kids will enjoy the Playmobil Apple Store. Geeks everywhere will be snacking on Light-saber Popsicles (actually a good product idea). The immensely lazy will find use for the new Shirt Plate. Sneak more treats into the movie theater with a Gummy iPhone Case. Science has never been as much fun as it can be with the Arsenic-based Sea Monkeys. Lose yourself in your own Minecraft Nether Portal/ It’s USB powered after all.
Hey, While I’m posting, we need to help out our friends at Improv Everywhere. A recent mission went bad and they’re looking for individuals who attacked their agents. Lets see if we can help them out.
Google has been busy as well. They have made major improvements too their Gmail, Google Docs and Voice services.
Great news for layout artists and web developers. Comic Sans was just made better!
Funny or Die is featuring singer, songwriter Rebecca Black!
Grooveshark (No longer available) has adopted the latest 3D technologies
College Humor may have been hacked! Some accounts have access to the admin page.
Reddit has added a new feature allowing your friends to give you Reddit Mold opening all sorts of new features for you!
Trying to get rid of your ex? In photos, that is… Kodak is to the rescue with Relationshiffft.
Chevy has even announced a new vehicle.
and in closing, Even yahoo is participating in the holiday fun with a new animated logo at their web site.
NOTICE: These links may be irrelevant after April Fools Day.