Okay, While posting it here is sure to cause the date to change, but as of now, my closing date on the new place is Friday, Feb 3… That’s a week from tomottow (today I guess but I haven’t slept yet so it’s still thursday, right?) If all goes well, next weekend I’ll be shopping, painting, and decorating
Author Archives: jaypoc
Good News!
I just found out that I was approved for the co-op! Woohoo!!!! With in the next 2 weeks, I’ll be closing on my new home and starting to move my stuff in, and damn, I have a lot of stuff. This is going to be a new beginning for me, and while I would absolutely *love* to bring all my stuff with me, I just don’t have enough room for everything. I’ll be putting a lot of my things up on eBay so I’ll keep you posted. Perhaps I may even post my crap listing on here and give you, my friends, access to those items before they go online. After all, It will take a while to catalog and post everything. So much to do and so little time… I am excited though!
It’s all white!
Here’s your up to the moment weather report. Here’s the view out my front door at 2:15 AM! I say snow. Any arguments?
What the
Have you ever?
This came in my fortune cookie tonight. Somehow I must attract these types of oddities.
Still Waiting
Sorry to keep you in suspense, but I havent heard anything yet either. I met with the co-op board on Monday and they told me I would find out the next day of their decision. I feel like they approved me because they took a lot of time to give me minor details of what I will need to get from the seller when I move in. So I have been calling the office, but haven’t gotten a return call yet. We’ll see.