For my friends from the diner… Here’s the video we were talking about. For everyone else… This is great!
Author Archives: jaypoc
Bit of chicken humor
A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is leaning against the headboard smoking a cigarette, with a satisfied smile on it’s face. The egg, looking a bit disgusted, grabs the sheet, rolls over, and says, “Well, I guess we finally answered THAT question!”
International Convention of Nerds (ICON 26)
It’s been a long weekend, but I finally recovered. ICON was this weekend and as usual, It kept me busy (and awake!) Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I didn’t do too much “con” stuff.. I pretty much hung out with my friends and wandered around the Stonybrook campus. I didn’t bring the camera with me at all this year, and I guess that’s okay. It was nice not having to be responsible for 500 pounds of tech gear!
I didn’t dress up friday, but planned on wearing my Spaceball costume on Saturday. When I went to try on the jumpsuit, I found it didn’t fit. I flew down to a paint shop early that morning and picked up another one, but it too didn’t fit that well, and looked like crap. I need to pick up white pants and top to complete the costume. I brought along my rennaisance garb so I just wore that. It didn’t feel complete until I bought a Baseball-sized D20. Then I turned from Medieval to a Dungeons and Dragons character. At least It was more unique than just Medieval garb.
Sunday, with a little coaxing, I decided to walk around with the Spaceballs helmet (thanks Pam!) and I’m glad I did.. It still got tons of great reactions, even without the rest of the costume.
I’ve got a few costume ideas to work on for next year. primarily, I want to get a Stargate Jaffa warrior costume as well as a black Spaceball costume (Full armor/black helmet). I’ll begin working on it, and who knows, Maybe I’ll make an appearance to the next con wearing it.
Sleep was once thing that I got very little of. I only got about 3 hours of sleep Friday night and only 1.5 to 2 hours Saturday night. I was exhausted, but made up for it last night. I think I’m adjusted back to my normal schedule now.
Vince, Check out your lock picking video. Bobcat and I are quite proud of it! and don’t believe him! Hell, HE started it!
Cheap Bluetooth Recommendation – the Cardo Scala 500!
If you’re looking for a Blue-tooth headset for your phone, STOP! I have recently tried out a bunch of them and have found the best ones NOT to be the expensive ones.
My first headset was a Cardo Scala 700. The reviews for it were great except that it was a bit uncomfortable. The performance on it was outstanding but I agree, it wasn’t the most ergonomically pleasing. It did have an adjustable earpiece which was not bad once adjusted right, but it took a while to get it right and the in-ear portion pressed against the bones in your ear which was fine unless pressure was applied to it (i.e. hitting the buttons). The size is small and it comes with a great belt pouch for carrying it around. I didn’t have it in the pouch and I lost it.
My second headset was a Motorola H700. Cute headset. Small. Very comfortable. People complained about my voice and I couldn’t hear anyone if there was any background noise. My hearing isn’t the best, and it just didn’t get that loud. I traded it in the next day.
It’s replacement was, believe it or not, the lower model, Motorola H500. It was a bit bigger, but certainly not as sexy as the H700. Performed a lot better though. My biggest complaint is that it sat on your ear and didn’t have a very good grip. It would occasionally wiggle and pivot away from my ear. The audio was louder than the H700 but still nowhere near as loud and clear as the Cardo Scala. Also, like the H700, it did not protrude into your ear at all, so at times I had to press it against my ear to hear in noisier situations.
After a game of DDR at Dave & Busters, I managed to lose this headset. I was a bit disappointed at the time, but one thing I always stood behind was the fact that things happen for a reason. It wasn’t the end of the world. The day before, I had gotten a great offer for a different Cardo Scala model for only $20. Now I had the chance to take advantage of it.
I received my Cardo Scala 500 the other day, and it’s been an absolute pleasure! It’s a bit bigger than the Cardo Scala 700 but much MUCH more comfortable. So far I have not had any trouble hearing anybody on it. I was able to listen to Opie and Anthony at work during my lunch break with background noise and the television on. Nobody has complained about how I sounded, and so far I was told It was clear. The earpiece extends slightly into your ear, but not as much as to be uncomfortable. It’s an absolute pleasure, and it is the cheapest headset of all the ones I tried. The only downside I found so far is that it doesn’t come with the nifty (There’s that word again) belt pouch, but I may just order one for $5 from Cardo direct.
Check Froogle for good prices.
I am…
I’m nifty