Odd occurance… First of all, I recieved PC Magazine today (which is odd itself, because I don’t remember subscribing!). I recieved my May 8, 2007 issue. A bit late, but not too crazy. The weird part is that I recieved the June 5, 2007 issue yesterday. And just when you think only 2 issues got “misplaced” I already had the May 22 issue on my desk. so how I recieved it 2 issues late, I don’t know.. Maybe my mail man reads PC Magazine 😉
Author Archives: jaypoc
XM Radio Update – Free Service
Since XM radio suspended Opie and Anthony, faithful listeners (or anybody willing to claim they are) are elligible for a free month of XM service.
I called XM pretty annoyed, since the reason I pay for XM is to listen to O&A. I asked for creidt since they weren’t carrying the programming that I bought my radio to listen to. I expected a fight about it and was ready to cancel/suspend my service until Opie & Anthonty came back on, but they quicky issued me a free month.
If you have XM, call up and tell them you’re not happy that O & A were suspended for providing the type of radio that they were hired to do and ask for credit. You’ll be given a free month.
I also heard that if you try to cancel your service. they’ll offer you 3 free months to stay with them, so if you’re willing to suspend your account, you might be able to chance 3 free months, but the 1 month deal is the real thing.
New Radio
So I got a great deal on an XM Radio MyFi. It’s basically an XM radio Walkman. Granted here on Long Island, it’s not that usefull, but in the city it’s great. Major metropolitan areas have land-based repeaters, kind of like cellphones do, to provide coverage where satellite reception is low or impossible. The main reason I wanted these units though is because they can time shift, and more importantly, be programmed to record at specific times.
Often when I listen to Opie and Anthony, I wind up hearing the same bits during their replay since I catch the same parts of the show, so now I’ll be able to record the show, and during all my driving or hanging out @ home, I’ll be able to listen to the entire show, stopping it when I get out of the car and resuming it when I get back in.
Unfortunately, I will be cancelling my XM subscription. At least for 30 days while O&A are suspended. I bought XM radio specifically to listen to O&A because I want to listen to over the edge radio. They were suspended for just what I wanted the service for, so I expect that XM will give me a refund for the 30 days. If not I think I’ll cancel my subscription for the month that O&A is off the radio. The music channels are good, but not worth paying for and I’m not really a Ron & Fez fan.
New Zombie Pic
Thanks to the Village Voice. See the full gallery at their site
Zomie Walk/Fangoria Radio
I’m one scary motherfucker! Check out my zombieage featured in Zombie Walk Interview on Fangoria Radio