It’s bee 3 months at my new job. I have been working for a temp agency and it has finally paid off. The job has offered me a permanent position with in the company and I will be continuing in my current position for better benefits and pay. It’s a great step for me, as I have had to take major pay cuts since I left the Internet Service Provider back at the end of 2001.
Congrads honey! Now we can go out to dinner sometime…. I’m thinking steak and potatos….
w00t! Congratulations. I am guessing you passed the drug test then? LoL
Call me later.
Lol… Every time I ask if you want to go out for dinner, you’re not hungry. lol. Now you’re askin me..haha….Mmmm steak!
Hey later… Yes.. I did
rofl. you’re a smart ass. Call me on the telephone later. On my home number.
CONGRADS!!!! I’m happy for you! I’m not sure how happy to be though… it’s still work. 🙂 But at least it’s a place with benifits! 🙂
Be happy… Look at it this way… Take the hourly wage that some people make at their job, and add it to the hourly wage I was getting as a temp… That gives you 2 sallaries… and now, don’t increase the workload at all… and add in benefits including Free Internet access (High speed… not dialup… faster than DSL), Free Television (They’ll pay for my Cable TV!), and full benefits (Med/Dent/401k/etc..)
NOW, Thats what I have 🙂
That’s cool! I’m glad for you. I’m also totally jealous, but hey after working at a temp agency you deserve this! 🙂
Well, I actually worked for the company I work for now, doing what I do now, only my checks came from the temp agency. It’s not like I worked small-time jobs bouncing around a lot.
regardless it sounds like an improvement to know that you have a permement possition.. at least to me.