I did it! I’m free! Well, not yet… April 22, 2004 (Write that date down) is my LAST DAY at Wal-Mart!
I Quit! Finished! Done!
I gave them my 2 weeks, Then on the 24th, I’m going on my cruise… Hopefully to return to a job. We’ll see what happens with that. Cross your fingers for me!
actually, i don’t wanna sound like … i dunno bitchy or somethin but it’s not even massapequa people that are gross, it’s cause lots of people from amityville and stuff come to sunrise mall, i can’t believe what a disaster they can leave.
Hey there, new reader here, but congradulations on your new liberation & freedom. Do you have something else lined up? Been out of work for the last *counting* ouch 4 months now. It’s not pretty out there.
Especially since, yeah, the sunrise mall area is not what it used to be (UGH! showing my age again – lol!)
Congratulations, you won’t have to deal with Wallyworld anymore! My fingers are crossed on the other thing, whatever it is.
Well, I work in Massapequa, so I have to be PC and blame Massapequa (They allowed a Wal-Mart!)… I know I get customers from other areas as well but I unfortunately can’t finger exactly who the offenders are.
Yes and No…
I am negotiating with a large LI based company which I have been trying to get into for quite some time. If not, my choices are to call up the Photography studio I worked for. They have shown interest in taking me back and I’m not too afraid that I wont be able to get SOMETHING…. I have turned down 3 jobs in the past 2 months because they couldn’t pay me enough. I may have to take a pay cut but I know I can get some job, if not my dream job.
I’ve been through the unemployment situation before, but fortunately I was collecting unemployment 🙂 Though it got BORING as hell…. Just keep looking. Something will come your way.
Showing your age as being extremely old????
As long as I can remember that mall has been crappy… At least for the past 10 years, since I’ve been driving, I’ve avoided that mall. The only reason I ever went there was to go to the movie theatre (and if I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have even done that!)
I’m psyched! Now if only the recruiter and I could manage to get a hold of eachother! lol
Knew what about the movie theater? I used to go there very week.
Yes, well… I worked for United Artists for a few years while they were open and lets just say that it wasn’t one of the cleanest theatres…
maybe it’s just me…
but there’s no way I would go in for those last two weeks
It’s tempting not to, but 1. I still need the money until I get another job. and 2. You don’t want to burn your bridges. They’ve already asked me to stay on later as a part-time associate. I turned them down, but it’s always good to leave a company on good terms. After all, they’ll probably get a call from a future employer for a reference check.
Gee, what a shocker. Although, I bet if you went to work at Broadway Mall theater, you would also find it is not that “clean”.
OK, successfully skeeved out now. How am I supposed to go see Punisher this weekend now? LOL, I am sure I will be over it by then.
nononono I know what goes on in theatres… I know how they can be…and I mean It wasn’t one of the cleanest… Not that you’d actually want to go to the cleanest if you knew how that one was.