It’s a good time! Some likes the 80’s (Yes, I did).. Some liked the 70’s (not so much) but I like the now….
I’m sitting in a Starbucks, drinking my coffee, eating a Bagel from Bagel Boss. I’m on my lunch break from Jury Duty..
Im gonna be questioned about 2PM for a murder case… I can’t say anything more about it, but I dunno if I want to do it or not 🙂 I was hoping to be in and out of court today, however I’m also intrigued… This is a once in a lifetime (or at least once every four years) experience. They say the trial wont begin until Feb. so I won’t miss my birthday in the event that it lingers on… definitely a plus…
In the meantime, I sit here eating my Egg Salad sandwich listening to the the commedians to my left goofing cuz they see a guy (me) on a computer and some chick seemingly on a date or with her therapist… Not sure… he’s asking very personal things about her past but he doesn’t seem to know her.. almost like they’re just meeting now or only spoke a few times in the past, Who knows….