I finally met this weekend. I went to hang out for the day, and I must say the day was eventfull…
On my way there, I stopped at a “lookout” point which was really neat. I pulled out the camera and took a few random shots of the landscape, rocks, etc.. I havent reviewed the pictures yet, but I will soon and if any are decent I’ll post em.
Met up with Sarah and we went out for starbucks. Throughout the day, we hit up Borders, Tower Records, Pearl Crafts and Wal-Mart. We almost made a stop at my favorite place on earth, Ikea, but upon realizing I was serious about bringing in the camera, Sarah chickened out I mean, come one… So? There’s a chance you’ll run into someone you know while running around Ikea, taking fucked up pictures in the many “sets” they have conveniently built for you. lol
Though all my shopping, I picked up a book on Magic Tricks, a[nother] tripod for my cameras, and the movie Anti Trust.
After Hibachi dinner, and a late night run to Wally world, and a few games of pool (I actually won 2/4 games!!) we closed the evening watching AntiTrust… I didn’t plan on staying as long, and wound up leaving about 2AM… Surprisingly, it took almost 2 hours to get out there and about 45 minutes to get back home
“Eventful” is definately a good word to describe our day!
You didn’t tell me about taking PICS at the lookout – just that you went there. And it wasn’t the fact that I thought I was going to know someone at IKEA (come on, Jas – where did we go where I did NOT know someone?!??!), but more of the “we’re going to be in this four level store for like three hours taking pics and never have time to do anything else!” type of thing. But yea, looking at your other IKEA pics on your website, I don’t think I’m the type to really do something like climb into a model bed and get under the covers. *Shrugs*
Anyway, thanks again for coming up here to the “sticks” (haha) and for a very good time! Talk to you soon, hun!
Glad you two kiddies had fun.
What, are photo shoots at Ikea your ritual first date?
I seem to remember our first “Date” being at an Ikea….
You sexy-geek you.
what gina julie and I arne’t exciting?!
It’s a test… Anybody willing to go do stupid things in Ikea with me on camera is ok with me! lol
I’ve already met you before.. You three kick ass… Are you really upset that I dodn’t post about it? It was just a last minute gettogether at scott’s… I’m sowwy!
a last minute getogether that provided a load of entertainment! Gina and I are sad.
yall forget about us. ::sigh::
I don’t post about every time I go out or do something. I posted about meeting Sarah because We’d been talking online for a while and finally met up.