Okay, I have installed the Optimum Voice VOIP service and have a new phone number. The best part is, this number will be used for messing around and just goofing off. I don’t care who has the number or who calls it.
I have ideas of integrating it with my website (once I get that back up) so it should be interesting to see what I come up with.. In the meantime, feel free to give me a buzz…
516-390-7191 *Update, This number is no longer active, as I no longer live in the Optimum area.
Leave a message and I’ll call you back as long as you’re calling from the continental united states!
I will *try* to refrain
How is your webserver going? Any news?
Its up and running. I just have to get it back to a hosting facility. Will possibly do that tomorrow as I have off.
Might I make a suggestion on webhosting….
All one line of course. That is who I host with & I am very happy with them. If you click on the link I get a % of money too
I have never once been down in 2 years. They are fantastic for the price.
Maybe there’s some good life insurance deals with it being the holidays and all =)
Appreciate the recommendation (CoughADVERTISEMENTCough) but I currently do my own hosting. They don’t offer Colocation, but if I were to try to pay for what I get free, i’d pay a fortune. I have 35 GB of storage, unlimited bandwidth and the ability to install ANYTHING I want on the server. Plus, cost is cheap (nothing…for the most part)