Well, my website…correction, ALL of my websites are down. I havent lost the data yet, but the server that hosted them all is screwed up. I have to rebuild the thing from scratch now. Wish me luck…
Another problem, The server won’t recognise the 60 GB drive I got so I need to do some massive maintenance on it. I might even just trash my 20GB desktop PC to swap the drives and I’ll use the 60 GB for network storage at my house…
I’ll troubleshoot the server a bit more tomorrow, and if I can’t get it up and running with in a reasonable amount of time I’ll swap drives with my desktop. Hell, I havent installed anything other than Mozilla and AIM on it yet so I might as well. Maybe even install a server OS on it and make a domain controller/file server out of it. I’ve been dying to try out Windows Server 2003 anyways 🙂
Now, just deciding between Redhat 9, Fedora 3 or Free BSD for the server itself… Any suggestions?
i would say to choose….*points* that one. *nods*