Ugh! It’s been such a busy weekend! It feels so good to just lay in bed and ‘geek’ online for a bit…
Friday night was Rocky Horror… [see previous post]
Last night, I had 2 Halloween Parties to go to. I met up with Matt and we went to a friend’s party in Garden City. It was cool seeing a bunch of people who I dont see that often. I realize that I’ve lost touch with a lot of cool people.
Then Matt headed home and I met up with Liz and Scotto to go to Scott’s cousin’s party. I knew it was a ‘costume mandatory’ party, but I didn’t know that it was an ’80’s Theme’ party… Fortunately I went as the asshole…. It was a hit. The people who recognized it (and there were quite a few) were very impressed.
This morning, I had to be up early for work, so around midnight, I scrambled to find my Medieval costume… Thats what I wore to work today.. Again people got a kick out of it. I tend to be good at this costume thing. I need to keep coming up with cool costume ideas….
I was invited to see Rocky Horror again tonight. Aparently, a local playhouse runs it every weekend. I would love to check it out sometime, but I’m so exhausted…. Perhaps once I go to night shifts (and I have my saturday nights) I’ll be able to go. Anybody up for some RHPS with me?