Women! Can’t live with em and can’t put em in the woodchipper…. Least that’s what a friend of mine used to say. Quite amusing, in a disturbing sort of way… I wanted to leave around 6 to head into Queens for my friend Laura’s birthday. I was supposed to pick up Marisa on my way, but she got held up and didn’t get home until just a little while ago (I assume because I see her online but away). I’m off to queens and hopefully to pick up Marisa on the way!
Throwing a woman into a woodchipper is amusement for you? No wonder why they locked you up…
Are you coming with this weekend to the Haunted House tour?
I wish I could, but I will be at Fright Fest. I am looking foward to seeing you sooner however!
I am curious what you mean by Haunted House Tour… Is this a haloween festivity tour or a tour of real-life-haunted-houses? Most of the public haunted venues I’ve been to take over 3 or 4 hours to get through. Bayville Firehouse and the walk-through one I went to out east both have a 2 to 3 hour wait to get inside.