There is a computer on this planet which contains vital information. This computer contains critical information regarding the wherabouts of a particular product that I am looking for. It says where this product will be and at what time it will be there.
What I would like to know is who has access to this computer?
I have been trying for a few days now to locate the Roady2 XM Satellite Radio Reciever. This product is extremely popular and extremely difficult to find. I have called every Best Buy and Circuit City in the area and none of them have it in stock. They claimed a shipment may be coming in today, but they have not recieved the radios yet.
When I call XM, they are quick to give me a list of dealers, but can not verify stock. They have not told me that there are no more Roady2 radios being sent out, but on the other hand, nobody seems to have them in stock. Where do I go from here? I wanted to get the radio by this weekend.
With all the computerization and technology these companies use, you would think someone would be able to tell me, “Best Buy in west bumblefuck will be recieving 4 units by the end of the day” so I could at least get down there the next day once they make their way to the shelves!
My brother… He works for best buy, so I guess I put up with alot more shit from them then I normally would. Did you get any answers on the stuff your looking for? I think I might be able to get some info out for you. Let me know.
Cool… I hope it gets here soon! Have fun with your new toy!
I should add, I did get good service from one guy in Best Buy… While it takes forever to get through to them on the phone (I don’t know why, but it took 15 minutes before someone in the Car Audio finally picked up, however he did confirm that they did recieve some of the units earlier in the day but they sold out almost immediately. In addition he acknowledged that there were none on order, which few people will actually acknowlesge for you. He took the time to look up other stores, and even the website.
Now, I have to wait a week or so to get it!
It’s good to hear that there was at least a good person on the other end of the ever ringing phone.
I’m glad you found your new toy and hope you enjoy every minute of it!! 
Thats funny, Do you know how hard it was to get a Roady2 from BB? Lets just say here’s my story..
I had sirius (Like an idiot i thought ONA were going there) when they signed for XM i Went to BB and returned my Sirius unit (thats another story esp since i had it for 4 months).
The Day ONA signed I went to BB in Riverhead and I was just so lucky that I was able to pick up a Roady2 at the store.
So Now I have a Roady2 and a sirus unit. Well I ended up returning the sirus unit for a Delphi unit (just so that i could get the credit).
So for two weeks I called and stopped by every BB between my house and my job. Finally just on a whim i went to BB in setauket. They had two in stock! Holy crap. perfect timing. I immeditly had them hold it for me while i went home got the delphi unit and came back to return it.
So guess what.. Now I got 2 roady’s. haha To think no Roady’s around and here I got two of em! Well I ended up going back the next day and returning the 1st roady. Let me tell you it was worth every headache.
Damnit! You had 2!!!!!!! You should have told me. I would have bought one
I ordered mine from Circuit City..Shipped yesterday! Can’t wait…
How is it?