Stolen from as I thought it was amusing:
Everyone who reads this post:
Reply to this post and tell something that you would like to do with me someday.
Make a post like this in your journal to see what I (among others) would like to do with you 🙂
LOL!! Now that’s a loaded question 🙂
Um… I shall keep this clean… *blushes*
I would like to get you alone in the woods
GEOCASHING I mean, get your mind out of the gutter 🙂
Go to Hooters so you can buy me a t-shirt 😀
go out for ice cream.
I know what I want to do with you. It would be fun! I would pick you up, get you something to eat, and then let you visit my landlord and tell them that I’m moving out, cause I’m too chicken to do it. Isn’t that a great idea?!
Sweeet! lol
rofl. Sounds like a plan 😉