I finally did it! I am no longer an employee of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc….. I am no longer the manager of a department severely understaffed and overworked. I no longer have to put up with the lack of respect granted by the coprporate pigs in the largest discount retailer in the world.
I am free of Wal-Mart.
Congrats on making this significant step in your life Jay. I hope your future turns out to be a bright one.
Forgot to mention how cool it will be to get cable for free.
amen brother. amen…
wHOO-hOO! Now enjoy your cruise & take lots of pics
You know you don’t have any pics on your website
*Hint, Hint* LOL.
Cheers to both of us!
On to bigger and better things!
(Thats Rolling on the Floor Laughing My God Damn Mother Fucking Ass Off)
Don’t have any pictures on my website? Well, some of my friends will hate me for this one, but here’s the link:
(Remove the -DOT-s as I don’t want this URL spidered in search engines… and the “CamPix” is case sensitive…. Capital C and P)
Yes, thats right…5 years..Repeat…5 YEARS of digital pictures (for her pleasure)…..
I guess my LJ friends and the few who stumble upon this can have the honor of seeing my pics… I take around 100 pics a day at most events if I’m in the mood to take any…. Fear a 7-day trip (and I’ll have the laptop so I can clear my memory cards nightly. muahahahaha [Thats an evil laugh!])
We need to go out and cellebrate our new lives….
*drool* Thanx!!