Being a past (and maybe future) web-cam figure, I was shocked today to find out that JenniCAM is no more. JenniCAM is, or I guess I should say was, the most popular personal web-cam site on the net. I guess just as m y life got more hectic, I was unable to maintain my web-cam, so was Jennifer. Then again, my reason was technical, in that my cable provider didn’t allow the protocols required for my streaming cam to work. I am working on alternative options as we speak. Perhaps the Jaypoc dotCom Live Web-Cam will be back online, though I have yet to decide if I want it to run 24/7 as it once did… Perhaps i’ll try it again for a while.
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I heard that paypal made it so that she could no longer send money b/c her cam showed her nude and violated some agreement or other. I Love camming, and used to have a cam before I started getting approached by freaks. You sound cool! I’ll add you to my friends list.
Was that the case or was she unable to recieve payments (memberships) via PayPal? I was surprised she didn’t just switch to iBill or another provider of ecommerce that supports pornography (I’ve worked on adult websites in the past)
Sorry to hear you had to kill your cam. Mine died due to something with Optimum Online or my network here interfering with the streaming cam. I can stream through Yahoo, Netmeeting, etc fine but Webcam32’s Java Stream server just stopped working one day. Was weird.
Anyways, You’re into Happy Tree Friends (they rock!) so you’re okay on my list 🙂 I’ll add you too.