Last night was a blast! We placed another Geocache. This time, a very difficult one…
Charlie called me in the afternoon. He was headed to the park to take a trip out to “Dead Bum Island”. It’s named that because fo all he knew, he’d get there and find a dead bum!
Well, I start on my way down there and he calls me saying that there was a piece of duct tape covering a hole in the raft. I met him at the boating store where we picked up another raft. We inflated it at the store, and tossed it in the back of Charlie’s Jeep. We realized that the raft was only big enough for one of us to take across, so I was going to go first. We had enough time for me to push out about 5 feet and take a picture when we realized that the raft was deflating. Inspection found a hole in the bottom. Sheesh! So we went back to the boating store. This time, we upgraded. We got the heavier-duty and larger raft. It was perfect. We inflated it and set off to Dead Bum Island!
We quickly found a place to dock on DBI. Laying in the water was a backpack… It is now part of our inventory… We got out of the raft and pulled it to shore. Interestingly enough, there were remains from a campfire there. and a few signs of civilization such as a pillow (or something like one) stuffed onto some tree branches.
We found a place to place our cache and headed back.
It was a really cool experience boating across this small lake to a remote island. Next trip, we camp there overnight!
Where is dead bum island ??? Does it have an official name ???
The lake has a real name (not sure what it is), but the island doesn’t. It’s quite small (few hundred feet around at most).. In fact it’s not on most maps.
The waypoint will be WGS84 but it hasn’t been approved yet.
Cool. That will be a cool cache to find. WGS84 is the only system I bother with. I tried converting a set of coordinates to UTM, just to see if I could do it I did it pretty easily, but it’s a pain in the as*. I can relate much better to WGS84. I am going to place my 1st cache soon. Probably within the next month or so. I have 2 or 3 spots that I like. I have to decide which spot is the best. It will be on the north shore of Nassau County somewhere, because that is where I live. I found the “Charles T. Church” cache. That’s a good spot that you picked. Nice job.
ROFL… I really think I’m burnt out (and no, I’ve never done drugs..)
Somehow, skimming the page quickly, i thought it read the Waypoint was called WGS84 not thinking that this was the coordinate’s format and not realizing that GeoCache waypoints begin with GC…. lol
Anyways, the cache is live now… Waypoint is GCHW46.
Don’t worry……………I forget shit all the time, and make mistakes when I write back to people to, and I’ve never done a drug in my life either. Sometimes I leave work, and forget things on the shelves, like my box cutter, and maybe some extra razor blades. The cool thing is that when I go back to work the following night, they are still on the shelves, in the same exact places that I left them. That’s how Stop & Shop is. If I don’t do things over there, no one will. Lol.
I’m gonna check the geocache website, and check out your new cache. Later.