So, I met the girl… She showed up a few minutes late, but as she walked up. I was impressed.. She is a very small girl. nice petit body, big brown eyes, beautiful straight hair… Very attractive, but when she opened her mouth, the fun stopped….
We went into the restaurant and already she was bitching that she needed a seat by a TV so she could watch the Islander game. I’m not into sports, and I don’t mind women who are, but she was focused on nothing but this game all night long. She barely looked down to see if she had gotten the food she ordered.
She didn’t seem to even give a shit that she was out with her friend, or me. You would think that if a friend was trying to set you up with someone you would at least try to talk with that person somewhat. I found that kind of rude.
So, the search continues…. I’m still free thursday night
come visit me babe, we woudl end up married
Uh oh! You used the *M* word…
Just for that one you have to come visit me here. lol
Go buy a hockey puck, then take her out on a night the Islanders aren’t playing, then make your move, and when you go to kiss, stick the puck in her mouth and strand her there. heh