It was dubbed the “Black Out of 2003” from what I heard on the radio…. Even as I write this there’s some areas still affected.
I was on my way home from work when I heard Z100 go off the air. At first I thought it was my radio, but then I heard a bit of Y100 in the background and knew it meant Z100 was toast. I called up my friend Mike (as we’re both radio buffs) and told him, as he told me that everyone was out. There was no power anywhere.
This was quite a shock to me as I had been in a busy Wal-Mart not minutes before and everything was fine and dandy. (Well, More fine than dandy)…. I got home and sure enough, no power…. Nothing!… lights were out… Civilians were in the intersections directing traffic. People were out in front of their shops TRYING to use their cell phones….
My girlfriend was headed home from work. She was low on gas, but none of the gas stations had power, so she tried to make it to my house. Her car died around the block from me (next to a gas station. doh!)
I arrived home just before my father who had seen Tracey and picked her up. Then mom got here and soon after, mom’s friend came by…
We hung out, played Go Fish, Fluxx (cool card game), MindTrap, and BBQ’d (Thank god for Gas Stoves and BBQ’s!)
Was HOT but I finally got to sleep. Awoke at 3AM when the power came back on here…. THANK GOD! Turned on the AC and went to sleep for 2 hours to get up and help Tracey with her car.
I finally got to work a bit after 7am and was given the option of staying or leaving… having gotten so little sleep and the A/C being off in the store all night it was dark, hot as hell, and I wasn’t feeling all that great so I opted to take off… They had enough people to get what needed to be done though so I dont feel like I shafted anyone.
Anyways, Here I am… Home… Relaxing now… WHEW!
And I guess my plans to go into NYC tonight are off 🙂