Well, I got my first official complaint that I wasn’t updating my livejournal so this post is for you Al… I would have posted sooner, but I really didn’t have anything to say… until now….
MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME! Last week, Tracey and I got bicycles..I went riding for the first time today with Chris… Only 6.5 miles (yes, I got one of those cool trip speedometer/computer thingys for my bike… Bike-Cam to come soon!) but being my first time out riding in months, it was a killer…. I’m suck a wuss right now gimme time… I just have to get out and do it more often!
Got my firewall and web cam working also.. At least sort-of… I was able to get my Video camera to send live images to the web. The next step is to set up an actual web cam to run 24/7 as I had in the past…
Also been playin’ with MAME a lot (That’s the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)….. I have 444 games so far… Looking for more ROMs…. If you wanna trade roms/sites send me an email. My goal is to get as many games as possible…..
Rut-Roh! I don’t remember officially complaining! Anyway,
good to hear from ya. And try not to suck too many wusses.
GRRR! And you wonder why I never post…. lol..j/k, but really, I am SUCH a wuss sometimes…
I was jujmping on your typos is aqll. I promise mto crush you when you post. Seriously.