I finally gave in today. It’s been hot as hell so I installed the Air Conditioner. I have to admit though, I’m feeling a LOT better now than I was earlier. After waking up early, calling in to one job saying that I couldn’t make it to go to my other job and find out that I’m not schedules until Tomorrow, I was just exhausted. Hit Home Depot and put a lock on my door. Still waiting for my friend the locksmith to let me know if he can dig up a combination lock for my room. The last lock I put on here lasted 2 months before I lost the keys and locked myself out. I was sitting with a drill at 1 AM one morning drilling out the lock.
Well, I’m gonna continue cleaning this place up. Missing a few things and I better look around before I go accusing other people in this house of taking my shit
Well after the cam shots I saw of your room, I think you have quite a task ahead of you! =)
OK dont flirt you lil slut hes mine
Um, yah, OK I’ll be sure not to do that.
Whoa now, I’m talkin’ on the phone with the only girl who can consider me hers right now, so I don’t know WHO you are but leave my buds alone
Oh, and at least Secrativegirl is willing to stand behind her posts and let us know who she is
Jay said he’s mine Jay said he’s mine!!
ps ..secrative girl and anybody else ..you can flirt with him if ya want to…it is a fave pastime of his that I can’t take away and I trust him and you guys!