I brew my own meade now! For those of you who don’t know, Meade is a wine made from honey, rather than grapes. It’s pretty good. I made a batch of rasberry meade. It should be done in about 3 months. There’s a count-down on my main website at www.jaypoc.com.
Here’s basically how it works (and if you brew and find me mistaken, please feel free to let me know)….
You start with 15 pounds of honey (Yes! a LOT!) and cook over medium heat then cool. Then add in your flavoring, enough water to make 5 galons, and Yeast! (The Yeastie beasties work the magic) See… The yeasties party hardy and produce Alcohol and Carbon Dioxide… a special cork is used to let the CO2 out without allowing dirt or air to get in, leaving a wonderful supply of ALCOHOL! 🙂 Batches are usually around 10% to 15% alcohol (Thats 20 – 30 proof!) After 3 months or so I’ll siphon the meade into an “Ale Pail” (cool name, huh!) and bottle some. Some I’ll drink right away as we brew the next batch, and some will be bottled and put away to age for 6 mo’s to a year and maybe more if I can exercise enough self-control!
Party at Jay’s house in 3 months!! woohoo!!!